Secure Relationships
The minute we hear of the word ‘relationship’ we think of a serious romantic process, something that many people aspire to have, or be in. There’s a reason so many people go on this Interracial Dating site – they want to find love and someone they can spend the rest of their life with. When people refer to being in a relationship, they are thinking in terms of a future together. Sadly, today not many relationships end up having a good future. Today people walk in and out of relationships without understanding the implication of a relationship. Such relationships leave many people wounded, children confused, society degraded and values disintegrating.
Our relationship with God was broken when Adam and Eve broke God’s trust in the garden of Eden. But the good news is that He didnt walk out on us, instead, He made a beautiful way for us to be reconciled to Him through His beloved Son Jesus Christ and have an everlasting relationship with Him.
God invites us to be in this unique relationship with Him, to be guided and led, to be comforted and made whole. And though we fail Him many times, walk away from Him, turn our backs on Him- He remains faithful, loyal and loving, devoted and true.He does not give up on us. His love for us is everlasting.
“I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness – Jeremiah 31:3
If you choose to make your relationship with God your highest priority in life everything else will naturally fall into place in the right order and other relationships in your life begin to make sense, grow, blossom and become beautiful creating the fulfilling life you hope to enjoy.
There is no greater relationship than with God. This is the only relationship that is fulfilling, satisfying, secure and everlasting. And in this relationship is the fullness of life.
Enjoy the exciting and fulfilling life Jesus offers.
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