Coronavirus & You
6 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, 7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.(Colossians 2:6-7)
As followers of Christ, ‘rooted in Him’, we have to consider how to best respond to the coronavirus (COVID-19). It’s a difficult thing for many of us. Whilst we’re all struggling to stay positive at times, it’s important to remember that this will hopefully be over soon. Governments are working hard to figure out the best ways to keep the public safe, whilst they provide government contracts to those experienced enough to find a vaccine for this virus.
Everyone is praying that this will soon be over, but it is important to note that coronavirus might affect you, your loved one or family in some way. For some people, it might leave them unable to work and although this is one of the more extreme outcomes it important that you know what your options are after this. Having something like this short term disability insurance individual cover can help you so that you don’t have to worry about a loss of income, particularly if COVID-19 affects you for a long time. But this is just an extreme case, and hopefully, you won’t have to worry about this.
Besides, governments have been assigning contracts to many companies who can hopefully help us to live normally again. These companies can normally bid for the contracts and, with the help of a government contracts law firm, they can begin conducting research to help them develop the best treatments for the public. So, whilst we all wait for a vaccine, there are things we can do to occupy ourselves.
Here are several questions to ask ourselves during this season:
- Defining faith as ‘the assurance of what I do not see’, do I have more faith that the coronavirus will spread or that God is in control even though this season?
- How can I be more generous with my resources and finances during this time?
- What truths and stories from God’s word can I meditate on and share with others during this pandemic?
- If I have more time alone this next month, how am I using it well? How am I going to stay motivated indoors during a lockdown?
- In a time of less human interaction what are the ways I can still engage in fellowship with other Christ-followers?
- If there is no available or adequate care for those infected by the coronavirus, would I be willing to go and care for them?
- Am I communicating hope and faith or fear and anxiety with others?
- How could I use this season as an opportunity to be content with less?
- Are there people in my immediate vicinity that I can help and support during this time?
- What things can I thank God for during this season?
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